Christian has had a cough at night in particular that has just been a little scary (he gasps for air before he actually coughs). I was somewhat glad to have an appt. already scheduled with his pediatrician today. After a somewhat restless night, we went to the doctor's one year check up / shots. He is 24.8 lbs (in the 75th percentile for height) and 31 1/2 inches tall (in the 90th percentile for his weight). He did a great job, considering the shots in his little arm. He was prescribed an inhaler for babies (let's just say, it isn't so fun getting him to breath with it). It is supposed to open his lungs to help us get the gunk out. The aspirator (aka "booger sucker") is Christian's worst enemy at this point. He moves fast in the opposite direction when he sees it coming. So between a tough night, an icky nose and cough, shots, a booger sucker and inhaler, you'd think he'd be a grump. Nope! Not even after he ran head first into the door jamb of my office and screamed his little head off (his cheek is bruised now too). He found comfort in mommy's arms for a few minutes, and then off he went to play with his new toys. Now THAT is resilience!
I am so happy to be Christian's momma. I am so incredibly blessed to be working from home, and able to experience so many rich moments with him.
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