Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bags Packed and Away We Go!

Breakfast in the Airport

Monday night, after my commute to and from OC, little sleep, and with a to-do list the length of Santa's naughty list, one would think I get right to packing after Christian was in bed and then perhaps watch a bit of television before an early bedtime. Nah...not me...I'm married to Mr. Locito Danielito. Instead, we painted the final 3 walls of our bedroom (vaulted, by the way) before I could even begin to pack. Bedtime came around 1am...but our room looks lovely!

Thank you all for your advice and prayers in regards to our airplane travel with Christian! The most difficult part was the variance in routine. All meals were later than normal, which changed nap times. I had toys and books ready for the plan, but they helped little to keep him all smiles when he was over-tired. Christian ended up napping for abut 30 mins. on each flight (thanks to Daddy's special sleeping powers). The layover in Salt Lake was fun though...Christian got to play in an indoor playground with other kids.
Nana and Christian

When we arrived in Montana, my dad was at the airport to meet us. My mom had a detour as she has to respond to a motorcycle fatality on her way to the airport. :-( Needless to say, Christian's presence helped to bring a smile to her face after a difficult evening. They've been playing and enjoying each other immensely. Christian loves the cats, and chases them all over the house. There is SO MUCH for him to explore, and he is enjoying it all.

Exploring the Lincoln Cabin

Today we went to Lincoln to visit the "Christmas Cabin". It was absolutely beautiful. Lincoln had just received a lovely blanket of snow, which made everything that much more breathtaking. We are having so much fun! More posts to come!

P.S. - It is 22 degrees right now. Wee!!


Jessica said...
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