After (we've decided that this will be an accent wall, and we will go lighter for the rest of the room, due to the rich color of brown that this turned out to be. We don't want to be overwhelmed by the dark.)
It is no secret that Danny has a hint of OCD. A project cannot take days/weeks with him...oh must get done NOW. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just occasionally call him "crazy" or "locito danielito".
After our garage sale we used part of our earnings to buy a cornice for our bedroom windows, along with curtains (will post pics once we hang them). I wanted to paint the wall they would go up on, and so Danny went to the paint store THREE times today so that we could paint tonight.
"Why paint at 9:45pm when you could just do it tomorrow?" one might ask. Well, that would make far too much sense, wouldn't it? Instead, both Danny and I teamed up and put brush to paint to wall in a grand ballet unlike anything you've ever seen.
Hopefully we will survive the fumes tonight...perhaps they will just help us sleep more soundly. ;-)
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