I started using sign language with Christian at about month 7 / 8 as I just wanted him to be able to communicate with me in one way or another. However, after several months of blank stares, I decided that he just wasn't into it. And then came breakfast this morning...
I made Mickey Mouse waffles for Christian, and I thought he was all done (or as he says it "aaahhh duuuuun". But when I asked him if he was done he shook his head and put one hand to the other. "Hm...could that have been a sign? Nah...I haven't done the 'more' sign for a few weeks...but still..." Just to humor myself, I asked if he wanted more and used the 'more' sign...and much to my surprise he copied me! Well, of COURSE he got another Mickey waffle with that accomplishment (along with lots of claps and praise from me). How fun! I guess I'm going to revisit the sign language idea again!
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