Sunday, March 1, 2009

Filipe Found!

Funny things happen when you become a parent: sleeping past 7 seems to be a dream come true, you can't seem to remember what you did after 7pm (the kid's bedtime) before you had a child, and you know the names of all your child's toys (and the songs that go with said toys).

Enter Handy Manny's Toolbox. It is filled with several tools that each have a name: Felipe, Turner, Pat, Dusty, Rusty and Stretch. It is the cutest thing when the show (Handy Manny) comes on, and Christian runs to his room and returns with his toolbox before the theme song is finished. Not so cute is when, at the end of the day, one or more of the tools come up missing.

Christian also has a fond affection for shoes. A couple of weeks ago, one of my slippers went missing, and I was pretty sure who was the culprit. I figured my slipper would show up eventually, but what bothered me more was a missing Felipe. For two weeks we've been on 'Felipe Watch 2009'. Until last night...

I was picking up some trail mix Danny dropped under the couch and found my missing slipper. Thrilled to pieces, I slipped it on to find that it didn't fit just fact, something was hiding inside...Felipe!

It is a funny thing indeed when finding "Felipe" is the highlight my day, and I even say to him "Oh Felipe, we've been looking everywhere for you...Christian will be so glad you are back!".

As I put my other slipper on Cinderella style, I hum the Handy Manny theme song, and smile in realization that I most definitely am a momma!


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