Friday, April 24, 2009

A Pregnancy Post

My friend Emily sent this card to me recently, and I couldn't stop laughing. It is the raw truth of it all!

This is the sonogram from my 12 week doctor's appointment. Danny says baby #2 looks like me (Christian had Danny's head from the first time we saw his picture!). I know it is hard to tell, but what do you think?

So, I still have my struggles with morning sickness. It is so different with this baby than it was with Christian. I explained morning sickness with Christian as "the feeling you get when you take a vitamin on an empty stomach...ALL the time". With this baby, however, I just get a wave of flu-like nausea and then BAM, run for the nearest bathroom to rid my stomach of the contents. :-( I also have lost my appetite numerous weeks...which is a big bummer when there is deliciousness in my pantry and refrigerator.

My poor husband has had to deal with my crazy moods. The other night I was resting (my back had been spasming) and Danny came home from work. The first thing he did was the dishes...clean the counters...put away things that needed to be put away. I might be saying, "Aw, what a swell husband." How did I respond? I wept. Not happy weeping...I felt inadequate. Here I am, officially a "Stay at home mom" and I can't even do that job well. was the pregnancy hormones. In my head I knew I was ridiculous, but I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Poor Danny.

I'm coming into my second trimester, and sincerely hope that the morning sickness and exhaustion will subside a bit. I've been fortunate not to need to break out my maternity gear just yet, but will do so in the coming weeks. As for pictures of this heifer and her baby belly...well, you'll just have to wait for those (I'm not quite glowing yet). ;-)


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