Monday, August 31, 2009

A Perfect Day

Yesterday (Sunday) was one lovely day. Christian woke up and after screaming "MOOOMMMAAA" for a few minutes, he decided to "read" for a bit to allow me a few minutes to (literally) roll out of bed. He did have a few melt-downs as we went about our morning routine, while I fought one of my own when opening my cooking utensil drawer to find it swarming with ants (I subsequently emptied it, washed every utensil, and washed down the drawer thoroughly). I got him dressed, and he gave me kisses galore on both cheeks. That was where the ants and melt-downs faded in my memory.

Church was AWESOME. My neighbor met me at church with her two kiddos, and Danny sung worship and preached a KILLER sermon. We decided to splurge and hit up the Sizzler after church, to enjoy lack of dishes, lots of food, air conditioning and each other. It was just lovely.

We took Sunday afternoon naps when we got home, and it was so nice to cuddle with my honey. (It has been a long and busy month for him.) When we all got up Christian and Daddy played HARD, with laughter resonating throughout the house. Danny went to the church to do the 3rd service at dinner time, and Christian actually ATE dinner before completely cooperating with bath time and bedtime. I was also able to take part in some good nesting activities (washed and put away baby clothes, organized a few things, etc.). When Danny came home I got to cuddle with him a bit more.

We have had some challenging days in the months past, and a day like yesterday was such a blessing and gift from God. Today was a gift in and of itself...we went to Legoland. I'll post details soon!


Matt said...
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Jessica said...
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Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...
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