Friday, February 4, 2011


Christian:  "Mom, mom, MOOOM!  Can you watch me and play with me??"
Me:  "Christian, I have to finish making dinner.  But here's Jonathan.  I had him just so you would have someone to play with while I make dinner."
Christian: "THANK YOU mom!  Thank you so much!  That was so nice of you!  I appreciate that!"


Me: "Christian, it looks like you have a little dry patch on your hand."
Christian: "No, I think it is eczema."
(The influence Nurse Nana has from miles away.)

Salesclerk at Old Navy: Which sticker would you like?  (Points to stickers with pictures of their Supermodel Mannequins)
Christian: (Points to a picture of an African American Mannequin) That one that looks like mommy.



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