I get a thousand questions a day from Christian. They range from the obvious "Mom, what color hair do you have?" to the profound "Why do people do bad things?" Oftentimes, we get a chuckle or two as well.
Christian: "Mom, where's God's car?"
Me: "He doesn't have one, he flies."
Christian: "Dad, (pointing at Danny's wedding band) that's a nice ring. Did you get it at the machine that you put the money in at Stater Bros.?"
Danny: "No, Christian. This ring cost a bit more than 25 cents."
Christian: "Mom? How do you get to tomorrow?"
Me: "You go to sleep after dinner and bath. When you wake up, you'll be in tomorrow."
(Later, talking to his stuffed doggie...) "So dog-dog, we need to go take a bath and go night-night so that we can get to tomorrow and do fun stuff."
(After eating sugar-free jello as a treat...) "Mom, did that have sugar in it?"
Me: "No, it didn't honey."
Christian: "Okay, then I need to have some candy for dessert. Which do I get, chocolate or jelly beans?"
Me: "Uh, it doesn't work that way. The Jello WAS your dessert."
Christian: "Dad. Dad. DAAAAAAAD."
Danny: "Yes Christian. What do you need?"
Christian: "Do you know something?"
Danny: "What?"
Christian: "You're the weirdest looking thing I've ever seen in my life."
Christian: "Mom, can we make my bedroom in the kitchen?"
Me: "Um, where would your bed go?"
Christian: "The pantry, silly!"
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