It's official. My Christian Daniel is in preschool. He is a big boy.
His first day of school was his birthday. He turned four and started preschool.
Where did the time go?
A reminder of the agricultural presence in our community. The kids can watch farmers work from the playground. |
When the kids first arrive, they find their nametag and place it under the corresponding letter of the alphabet. |
There are several windows at child height to allow them to look at the Discovery playground (a science play area) |
So far Christian has enjoyed the three hours of preschool that he gets to go to daily. I have as well, as I get to spend those hours teaching my little Jonny. I love hearing Christian's stories as I pick him up at lunchtime (today it was "I got to play with a pretty girl. I don't know her name. She's my girl."), and I especially enjoy the naps he is taking now (2 1/2 hours!).
I am so thankful that my Christian gets to go to preschool in such a special place. He is playing on the same playgrounds his daddy did. What a blessed happenstance.
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