Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Christian Daniel

I have no shortage of things to say about my little fellow, I have just been too worn out by him to post lately.

Before mobility was even a consideration, Danny and I had a "talk" about baby-proofing, and more specifically baby gates. Now, whether you agree or disagree with baby gates, keep in mind that I work from home from 8 to 5 with my little darling close at hand. Danny wasn't much crazy about baby gates, I was all for them. We now have two.

My adorable son is experiencing autonomy. He is learning boundaries. He pushes the button on the TV 30 times, each met with a hand smack and stern "no". The radius around his high chair that is filled with his food is growing by the day. That darn high pitched scream that could pierce an eardrum is still an issue with him. I am at a loss as to how to stop it. I know that I need to cherish the individuality that is is displaying, but it certainly wouldn't break my heart if he actually stopped doing something I told him to stop doing.


Jessica said...
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