Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Updates on the boys

Jonathan is now 2 1/2 months old, and just as precious as can be. He smiles these great grins that come from his toes, and he looks like he wants to laugh so bad! He is extreme with his sleeping patterns at night: either he sleeps 6-8 hours or 1-2 (total). He is pretty mellow compared to his brother at this age, which I am VERY thankful for. He seems healthy and happy...what more can I ask for?

Christian now pee pee's in the potty. We use candy as a motivator, and if he goes...ahem...number 2, he gets two candies and a sticker. He has a potty that plays music when he goes, and Christian will dance to it and go "Woo hoo!" It is pretty funny (until he tries to empty the container into the toilet and drops pee on the floor). He also is talking A LOT, and it is amazing to hear the things that he can say / figure out / comprehend. Danny and I had recently had a conversation about whether or not Christian "gets it" when he tells us he loves us. And then yesterday, while I was bathing Jonathan, Christian leaned over, put his head on my shoulder, and say, "Mommy, I love you." Oh, what a sweet moment that was. :-)

Christian loves being a big brother...most of the time. He wants to hold Jonathan, and kisses him often saying "I love you Johnny". Oh be still my heart. He even is becoming possessive; yesterday Danny was holding Jonathan and Christian yelled "MY JONATHAN!" over and over. Hey, it beats the alternative.


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