I usually don't post about negative things, as I really try to focus on the positive in general. However, in case I one day think back on these days and think they were all rosy, I'd like to have a small snapshot into what is our reality with a 3 and 1 year old.
Last night I got to bed a bit after 11pm. Just as my head hit the pillow, Jonathan woke up SCREAMING his head off (thankfully this isn't the norm). I went in to console him, gave him cuddles and teething tablets and laid him back down. Just as I began to fall asleep Jonathan awoke again, screaming in a panic. I went in to console him, put him down and he wouldn't stop crying. I laid in my bed trying to figure out my gameplan, as it was midnight and I knew I would need energy for the following fun-filled day that was planned. Suddenly I heard a bang and scream from Christian. He fell out of bed and hit his head. Now BOTH boys are crying. Danny tries to help Jonathan while I help Christian. I spent the next hour walking back between both kids' rooms, and my consolation was in vain the moment I left the room. Finally I decided to lay with Christian, letting Jon cry it out (he was overtired) and comfort him through his pain and continual coughing (he's getting a cold). I climbed into my bed at 6am and at 6:25am Christian was in to wake me up for the day, which woke up Jonathan.
After a couple cups of coffee and a battle with the ants that have been visiting we packed up and headed to the L.A. County Fair for a fun, memorable day with the family. :-)
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