Jonathan, my darling little boy, is becoming more of a big boy by the minute. He's been climbing out of his crib for quite a while now, and it has concerned me a bit. The sound of a bonk and then the three second silence before a heart-wrenching scream awoke me many a morning, and that is no way for anyone to wake up. And so, we decided, it was time. Time, for the big boy bed.
Our dear friends Steve and Becca Buccola have exquisite taste in furniture, and they generously gave us this beautiful toddler bed for Jonathan a while back. When we made the decision to put it up, we also made the decision to take the crib down for the first time since we've lived in this house. My heart broke when we put it away. Our baby isn't a baby anymore.
Sweet Jonny has had no trouble with the big boy bed. The sound at 6am of him talking and then trying to open his door (to no avail) in the next room is all too familiar. It seems like only yesterday that Christian was doing that. Now Christian is nearly four years old and starting preschool five days a week next week. Where did the time go? ::Sigh::
I'm so proud of my little Jonathan. He's my sweet boy, and continues to bring sunshine to my life every day. My little boy is more of a big boy by the day.
I took a dozen pictures of him on his bed, as every time I took one, he'd run over to me and ask to see the picture and say "ME!", run back and say "Cheese!" again. |
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