Monday, November 10, 2008

The Good Stuff

Ok, no comment about the election. But I would like to comment on the things in life that I've been appreciating lately.

1.) My family. I have an amazing hubby and precious son whom I love more than I can express. My extended family (including my parents, brother, in-laws and of course the Hekman's) always bless me in the sweetest of ways. The presence of my family makes my days brighter.

2.) My friends. I went to a friend's bridal shower on Saturday and was reminded of my own shower (some 4 years ago). Oftentimes friends become family and are those to rally around you to encourage and uplift you in times you need it most. What a blessing friends are.

3.) My job. In a time where the economy is so uncertain, I am incredibly thankful that I still have a job, and that my company has provided me with the benefit of working from home. This in and of itself was such an answer to prayer, and something I thank God for daily.

4.) My house. I have dreamt of owning my own home since I was a little girl. I certainly didn't think that, once I became pregnant, I would have a nursery to lay my son in every night. I am so very blessed with my home.

5.) My health. I think that far too often we take our health for granted until we are sick or even worse. My only issue is that I need to lose pounds...what a blessing!

6.) My church. A church family prays for you through so much. Our church is also Danny's employment, so obviously I have a different experience than most church-goers in the way I experience church. In any case, our church is a blessing.

7.) My country. We have freedoms so many people die for (and many people have died for in times past). With my brother in the Marine Corps, I have an even deeper appreciation for our troops and the sacrifices on the line.

There are so many more things I can list, but there just isn't time to provide them. I am just so blessed, and recognize the depth of my blessings daily.


Jessica said...
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Christy said...
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Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...
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