Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ordination Day - 10/10/10

This past weekend, my hubby was officially ordained by our denomination.  (I say "officially" because he has been ordained for a year, unofficially.)  You can watch the service here.

Reverend Daniel R. Flores, Jr.
The service was one of the most beautiful and meaningful moments of our lives.  It was a time of reflection on the journey that has brought us, and more specifically Danny, to this point.  It was a time of affirmation that we are doing exactly what God has put us on the earth to do.  It was a time to consider what the future might hold.  It was a BIG day, and I fought tears much of the morning / afternoon.

My wiggle worms in the front row...they didn't stay in the service, but boy were they cute!

Considering the fact that we went to both morning services, the boys did incredibly well.  Christian had JoAnne laughing when he told her that the vacuum that she used to clean up after him was a "gross polluter" (inside 'Rainbow' joke). 

Jonathan trying to get acquainted with the Word.
The boys could not have looked cuter in their outfits, though I suppose I am biased.

Christian cheesing it up for me.

My very handsome boys
I could not have been more proud of Danny.  I was reminded of the days that I went to the Campus Crusade for Christ meetings at UCR and heard him speak.  Watching him preach God's word awoke a part of my heart that has never been moved by anyone before or since.  He truly has a calling on his life, and it is evident every time he takes the pulpit.  I am awed by him, and so very thankful that he belongs to me.  ;-)

The laying on of hands
The service was performed by Mike Livingston, the district superintendent.  Actually this service was supposed to take place 5 weeks ago, but God has other plans, as that was the day Mike went under the knife to have a cancerous tumor removed.  No chemotherapy was required post-op.  He is completely cancer free.  God is so good.

(From left to right) Mike Livingston, yours truly, my hot hubby and Steve Bagdanov.  Danny says this looks like a picture from a law firm.
I have to tell you, I had many comments on my business look.  It comes down to this: nothing else fits!  I am wearing my pre-baby clothes, and most of those were work clothes when I was in the corporate world.  I need to go to the salvation army for a shopping spree soon...perhaps when I get to my goal weight.  :-)

A potluck followed the service, and we sat on a stage while people said extremely kind things to us.  Great food AND great people?  Perfection.
At this point in my life I am really settling into (though have a long way before I'm a master of any of) the identities God has bestowed upon me.  Among them are wife, mother, pastor's wife, daughter, sister and friend.  I feel like I have a lot more on my plate than I ever have, and the responsibilities can become overwhelming if I think that I have any control here.  I am incredibly humbly thankful for the blessings of each day, each breath and each moment I have on this earth with my family.  My cup truly overflows.


Rhonda said...
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Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...
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